We all use will_paginate gem for pagination in our application. However the pagination sends a HTTP request every time when you click on the next page. It will be very nice if the pagination sends an ajax request and update the corresponding <div>, well here it is and its very easy in rails 3... you just have to add few lines in views and controller.
1. In the controller
2. Create a file named index.js.erb in the views and place the following code.
In your application.css
This CSS will display the spinner at the center of the screen.
1. In the controller
def index@devices = Devices.all.paginate(:page => params[:page] || 1, :per_page => 10)..........
respond_to do |format|format.htmlformat.jsendend
2. Create a file named index.js.erb in the views and place the following code.
$('#devices').html('<%=escape_javascript(render(:partial => "devices_list"))%>'); $('.pagination a').attr('data-remote', 'true');
3. Put the table which has pagination inside a partial, so that it can be called on each ajax request.
4. Add a few lines of jquery inside the script tag in the index pageI wish to use pagination in one of my index page, So i will place my table inside a partial _devices_list.html.erb
<table><thead><tr ><th> </th><th colspan="2"><h4>Devices</h4></th> <th><%= will_paginate(@devices, :previous_label => "← Previous", :next_label => "Next →", :inner_window => 1, :outer_window => 1 )%></th></tr>............</table>
and place this partial inside a div
<div id="devices"><%= render :partial => 'devices_list' %></div>
<script type="text/javascript">$(function() {$('.pagination a').attr('data-remote', 'true');});</script>
That's it... it's all done... now you can see an index page which has ajax pagination.If you wish to notify the user that something is happening with a spinner or any hourglass image when the user clicks on the pagination link add the following code.
Add a div which contains the image of the spinner in index file or application.html.erb(This can be used all over the application).
<div id="show_spinner_image" style="display: none"><%=image_tag('loader.gif', :border => "0", :style => "float:left;")%></div>
In your application.css
#show_spinner_image{position: fixed;top: 50%;left: 55%;margin: -100px 0 0 -100px;text-indent: 250px;white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden;}
This CSS will display the spinner at the center of the screen.
And at last, in your index.js.erbInside the script tag :
<script type="text/javascript">$(function() {$('.pagination a').click(function(){$('#show_spinner_image').show(); $('.pagination a').attr('data-remote', 'true');});});</script>
$('#devices').html('<%=escape_javascript(render(:partial => "devices_list"))%>'); $('#show_spinner_image').hide(); $('.pagination a').click(function(){$('#show_spinner_image').show(); $('.pagination a').attr('data-remote', 'true');