Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Insecure directory in $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at /usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster

Recently i had restarted my server and i was getting a weird issue while starting up my postgresql 8.4 in ubuntu server

Insecure directory in $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at /usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster line 63.

Googled at many places, tried many things but the same error was repeating all the time. At the end i got a very simple solution which actually fixed my issue. Sharing it thinking it may help others as it helped me

sudo rm /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/main/
sudo chown postgres:postgres /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/environment
sudo chmod u+rw,g+rw /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/environment

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Using Postgresql along with MySql

I came across a scenario where my existing application database which was residing in MySql wanted to create/communicate to tables present in PostgreSql. Though it is not advisable but i had no other option. so i googled a lot, went through n number of blogs and finally found a solution which suited my requirement this worked for me.

Install PostgreSql has explained in my previous post.

Configure your database.yml

  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  database: test_development
  username: root
  password: *******

  adapter: postgresql
  database: test_dev
  username: pgs_root
  password: ********

Create the database

rake db:create RAILS_ENV=development_postgres

This will create a database named test_dev in PostgreSQL

Specify the connection in model so that the application understands where the table resides

establish_connection :development_postgres

if you wish to have it environment specific, write

establish_connection Rails.env+"_postgres"

In migration file, specify the connection

def self.connection
def self.up

   This self.connection allows the application to communicate with database specified in the model. This has to be written only if you want to run migration belonging to postgres, failing to specify migration will run in default database i.e mysql

Establishing relationship between the tables present in two databases

for ex. table named "foo" exists in postgres and it belongs to "boo" present in mysql.

In foo.rb

establish_connection Rails.env  (relationship  database connection)
belongs_to :boo
establish_connection Rails.env+"_postgres" (database connection)

In boo.rb

establish_connection Rails.env+"_postgres"
has_many  :foo
establish_connection Rails.env

This establishes HasManyBelongsTo relationship between boo & foo.
Note:Always Specify the relationship database connection first & table connection at the end. All the migration no. will be stored in schema_migration table present in mysql.

This is the only approach which worked for me, if there is a better solution other than the above please let me know.

Installing Postgresql & using it in rails 3 application

If your are going to build a portal application which is going to hold large data then trust me "Postgresql" is the best option.

1. Install PostgreSql

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev

2. After the installation is complete, create a user (like we create root user in mysql)

sudo -u postgres createuser pgs_root

This will create a user named pgs_root.

3. Now add password to the user

sudo -u postgres psql postgres
running this command will take you to psql prompt

postgres=# \passsword <user>

whatever password you wish to add must be entered twice, then type \q to exit psql prompt.

3. Configure the postgresql.conf file to make PostgreSQL listen to localhost or listen on an external IP or something, change this line to either the IP or '*' or 'localhost'.

/etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf (here 8.4 is the postgresql version, change it if you have installed different version)

under "CONNECTIONS AND AUTHENTICATION" uncomment the following line

listen_addresses = 'localhost'

check whether you have the following line in your /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf


# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all         all                               ident
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all         all          md5

5. Now postgreSQL setup is complete. To use in the application add the "pg" gem in Gemfile

gem "pg"

run bundle install

6.  In order for your application to connect with database present in PostgreSQL, configure it in the database.yml

    adapter: postgresql
    database: test_postgres
    username: pgs_root
    password: *******

7.  Create the database

    rake db:create

This will create a database named test_postgres in PostgreSQL and it is ready to use.

There is a nice GUI tool for Postgresql named pgadmin3. To install:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pgadmin3

All the best...!!!

Using rubyzip in Rails 3

While downloading large files its better to zip it at the server end so that the download becomes much faster.

There is a gem called rubyzip to perform this action.

Add this in your Gemfile

gem "rubyzip", :require => 'zip/zip'

run bundle install

Suppose i have a "folder" which 'has_many' files. So when i try to download the folder, the entire files linked to folder must be downloaded as a zip file. In Folders controller

def download_folder
  @folder = Folder.find(params[:id])
  temp ="zip-file-#{}") do |z|
    @folder.libraries.each do |file|
  send_file temp.path, :type => 'application/zip', :disposition => 'attachment', :filename => "#{}.zip"
  temp.delete() #To remove the tempfile

Thats it!!!...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Implementing 'thumbs_up' gem in Rails application

In one of my application, i came across a feature where i needed to provide the users a option to like or dislike certain things. While searching i came across a gem called "thumbs_up" which was very easy to implement and was quiet good also. let me explain how it can be implemented :

1. Install the gem

gem install thumbs_up

2. Generate thumbs_up migration

rails g thumbs_up

it will generate an model called vote.rb and a migration file to create table.
run the migration

rake db:migrate

3.  Now set the model which acts as voter. for ex. user model will act as voter here

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

4. Specify the model which can be voted. for ex. article model can be voted

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base

There can be many models which can be voted in single application not necessary it has to be only one.

5. Specify in the view

<%=link_to image_tag('thumbs_up', :border => 0), vote_for_article_articles_path(@article), :remote => true %>
<%=link_to image_tag('thumbs_down', :border => 0), vote_against_article_articles_path(@article), :remote => true %>

6. In my controller to save the vote

def vote_for_article
    @article = Article.find(params[:id])
    respond_to do |format|

the vote_for method will add a plus vote to the article by current user.

7. Other options

voter.vote_for(voteable) # Adds a +1 vote
voter.vote_against(voteable) # Adds a -1 vote, vote) # Adds either a +1 or -1 vote: vote => true (+1), vote => false (-1)
positive_vote_count = voteable.votes_for
negative_vote_count = voteable.votes_against

voter.voted_for?(voteable) # True if the voter voted for this object.
voter.vote_count(:up | :down | :all) # returns the count of +1, -1, or all votes
voteable.voted_by?(voter) # True if the voter voted for this object.
voters = voteable.voters_who_voted

By default a user can vote only once, if you wish to change even that can be done. you have to just remove few lines before running migration.

In vote.rb

validates_uniqueness_of :voteable_id, :scope => [:voteable_type, :voter_type, :voter_id]

and in migration 

add_index :votes, ["voter_id", "voter_type", "voteable_id", "voteable_type"], :unique => true, :name => "uniq_one_vote_only"

That's its all done and it is good to go.....